Tracking code caldwell guardian

Friday, December 16, 2011

Caldwell to Pay $47K Above Low Bid For Misdemeanor Prosecutions

THE GUARDIAN learned via a public records request Caldwell intends to pay $47K more to the firm of Hamilton Michaelson Hilty, the current city attorney v. the offer extended by Canyon County Prosecutor, Brian Taylor.  The decision to go with the high bid was made in Executive Session by the Caldwell City Council.  Yesterday we noted the approval of HMH as the firm that will be doing city misdemeanor prosecutions.  It is listed as item #7 on the "Consent Calendar" for the upcoming City Council meeting.

There will be no further discussion nor any debate about the difference in cost for this service to Caldwell taxpayer's.  A motion will be made, seconded and passed.  The troubling part of all this is the fiduciary responsibility to Caldwell taxpayers and $47k difference for this service.

Mind you there will be the same numbers of misdemeanor prosecutions no matter who does the job. Felonies all go to the County Prosecutor no matter what the circumstances.  THE GUARDIAN sent emails to Mayor Nancolas, and two City Councilors voicing concerns about the lack of negotiation of costs for taxpayers.  It is OK to stay with HMH but why haven't they said the business is theirs to lose and can they meet the price proffered by Canyon County Prosecutor, Brian Taylor and save taxpayers $47K in these difficult times.

Editor note:  City of Caldwell accepted a bid of $256K from HMH on December 19th.  HMH revised their bid $41k lower than their original RFQ of $296K.


  1. Mayor Nancolas says this year is one of the tightest budget years ever. However, the City of Caldwell is going to spend $3million on HWY 20/26 to widen it for developers, now we see they are leaving another $47,000 laying on the table with the prosecution contract.

    I can only wonder what transpired to OK this latest deal.

  2. The Caldwell City Council is scheduled on Monday to approve a $256,000 annual contract with Hamilton, Michaelson & Hilty, $41,000 less than it has paid the firm for the past three years.
    HMH initially proposed keeping the contract at the current $297,000, but the city was able to negotiate a lower price after Taylor offered to take over the contract for $250,000.

    Read more:

  3. Maybe they are afraid of getting Bujacked!


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