Tracking code caldwell guardian

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mayor Elect of Kuna Billed $36k For Water/Sewer Hookups

THE GUARDIAN read with interest a story in the Idaho Statesman about Mayor Elect Greg Nelson's plans for the fair City of Kuna.  Here's a link to the Statesman story in yesterdays paper, Link:
New Mayor wants to make peace . 

Mayor Elect Nelson came across as someone who is a "can't we all just get along" kind of a guy with everyone and every thing save the Kuna Planning and Zoning folks.  All the love from Mayor Elect Nelson was not to be regarding Kuna's Planning and Zoning Director, Steven Hasson.

The animosity Nelson expressed toward Kuna's Director of Planning and Zoning seemed out of character.  THE GUARDIAN filed a public records request and the short version of all this is:  Mr. Nelson is alleged to have not paid $36K for water and sewer hook-up fees for the Creekside Lounge and Peregrine Steaks and Spirits Restaurant built in 2005/06.

Mr. Nelson received notification of  no record of payment for water and sewer hook-up fees for the total amount assigned to the project from Mr. Hasson in March of this year.

Lack of payment/verification was caught as part of an Idaho Department of Quality (IDEQ) audit for water and sewer fees cities turn in to DEQ.

  Mr. Hasson and his staff turned up no record of payment for a total of 10 EDU's (equivalent domestic units of water and sewer usage) attached to Mr. Nelson's project at the time building permits were issued.  Nor could Kuna City Officials find any record Mr. Nelson's project was exempted from the fees.

 Mr. Hasson sent Mayor Elect Nelson a billing letter for $36,000.00 owed to the City of Kuna (ie. Taxpayers). Mr. Hasson has asked for any reasonable record the fees had been paid by Mr. Nelson to help clear up this matter.

It will be interesting to see how all this unfolds.


  1. Geraldine says...
    All Mr. Nelson has to do is pull up a copy of his cancelled check for the payment in question from Kuna officials.

    As the incoming mayor, Mr. Nelson will be sworn in to uphold the law. This bickering is extremely bad form on his part. This dispute could be settled in short order by his cancelled check or copy of it from his bank records with a Kuna City cancellation stamp.

  2. Sounds kinda like the Obama birth certificate controversy: Show the documentation and everyone will shut the heck up about it. Unless and until this happens, expect criticism and being held accountable.

  3. He wants to get into office so he can make it all go away quietly no doubt.

  4. If Nelson owes the money then he should pay it or come up with the documentation proving he actually paid the fees. So far it appears he is just one more corrupt fat cat politician looking to skirt the law.

  5. if mr nelson owes the money he should pay it or provide proof. but i can tell you from experience that mr hasson is an extremely incompetant public servant and has done a diservice to the city of kuna. he should go despite this hook up fee issue.

  6. If you mean Mr. Hasson uses laws and ordinance for guidance in his decisions along with Citizens appointed to P&Z and Design Reviews v. different strokes for different folks and you find that troubling, then I guess you have a point.

    I have come to appreciate you have to have standards, ordinances and laws to guide growth and development. It is also important that some attempts are made to have growth and development pay for itself and not become a burden on long time residents property taxes. The job he has is a lightening rod and I am surprised he has lasted this long from all the abuses the job entails. Kuna will never be a Boise but "winging it" is no way to run a city. Nepotism and cronyism appear to be on the horizon for Kuna when Mr. Nelson takes office.


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