Tracking code caldwell guardian

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Caldwell and Nampa Get New Council Members

Caldwell will be swearing in incumbent council members Jim Blacker and Shannon Ozuna along with newly minted Councilman-elect David Clark Tuesday Jan. 3rd at 7:00 PM.  This is the first item on the New Business Agenda.

Nampa reader Bob G. sent me this item:

Tuesday the 3rd of Jan. is the first meeting that Bob Henry will be on the city council . I plan to be there and hope many others will attend this and future meetings to support him and Steve Kren.  Perhaps we can all look forward to some lively debates on issues with a philosophically split Nampa City Council.

 I believe the meeting starts at 6:30 pm.



  1. I for one fully expect a lot of split votes in Nampa and Mayor Tom will be casting a lot of tie-breaking votes. He will still have his way with all of us but he will have a voting record to challenge in the next mayoral election

  2. According to city clerk office Mayor Dale will appoint legal beagles(White-Peterson Law) at city council meeting Jan. 2. One would expect the rubber stamps to approve. Wonder what new city councilman will do?

  3. Keep an eye on the new city councilman. Remember He and Tom Dale practice the same religion. Religion and politics have really created some big messes in this town. Hope we didn't get fooled.

  4. In response to the comment about Tom Dale and the new councilman (Bob Henry) practicing the same religion: Do you mean Christianity?

  5. C'mon now. I don't think that Mr. Henry is going to give in to the wiles of Nampa's flim flam mayor. Bob's one of the good guys. Oh, and I go to the same church that they go to, also.

  6. I don't think religious affiliation has anything to do with measuring the performance of Mr. Dale of Mr. Henry in making spending decisions for Nampa. It has everything to do with Tom Dale as a spendthrift and Bob Henry having some respect for taxpayers and where tax dollars come from.

    I keep thinking at some point in time all taxing agencies of government will have to start living within their means like most citizens are doing right now.

  7. I appreciate your wise advice on church and state issues Mr. Alldredge. I will listen to you.
    What might be coming down the pike in Nampa is the mayors privilege to adjourn to executive session. That could mean more secret meetings and decisions being made behind closed doors without the whole city council being informed.
    Keep an eye out for this.


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