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Sunday, September 4, 2011

City Council Candidates Welcome to Post Statement on Guardian Blog

This year THE GUARDIAN is opening up the blog for candidates to post their statements should they choose to do so.  No endorsements will be made on this blog but we would like to offer candidates an opportunity to reach potential voters this year for local city council races.  You can send your press releases to me at my email address and I will be happy to post them as a service to those running for office.

The part that is bothersome to THE GUARDIAN is low voter turnout in Caldwell.  There will probably be less than 2,000 votes in this election.  I will add candidate info to this post as they come in.  We can't have too much info about candidates and free space is even better.

The cutoff date for filing for office is September 9th, 20011 with the City Clerk in your city.  Here's a HERE'S LINK TO GET A VOTER REGISTRATION FORM  Voting is something taken for granted in this country and sadly a majority won't bother to exercise this right to weigh in on how our local governments are doing.  You can also vote early.  Generally, you have until the Friday before election day which should fall on the 8th of November this year.


  1. Thanks, Paul. Keep us posted, as us voters are paying attention.

  2. Only anti-government libertarian Tea party types would post here.


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