Hello everyone. I wanted to personally send out this email to let you know I am running for Caldwell City Council, seat 6. Councilman Bob Sobba has decided not to run this time around. I wanted to thank him for his 40 years of service to Caldwell. During a recent lunch meeting with Councilman Sobba, he said he has been blessed to have been able to serve and he is looking forward to more outdoor activities in the future! I also wanted to thank Arlene Yamamoto for agreeing to act as my Treasurer and Lety Juarez-Sisson as my public relations manager.
I have been living in Caldwell for a long time and I love it here. I chose to raise my family here and I hope that opportunities will be created so my kids may raise their kids here as well. One of the issues heavy on my mind is the proper role of government. I believe government should create the environment so business owners can come in and set up shop. Currently, it is quite difficult for businesses to come here due to unnecessary restrictions, antiquated rules, regulations and red tape. In addition, the City should not be choosing between who wins and who loses, i.e, subsidizing businesses.
I have already been asked by friends why I would be the best choice for this office. I answer them by saying I have operated many successful businesses. I have also failed a few times and that has given me valuable experience. I also say I have fifteen years of marketing and advertising experience. This experience will be helpful promoting the city and attracting new business ventures via the Internet and other media sources. Lastly, I am from Caldwell. I graduated from Caldwell High School, I worked here and I have raised my family here. I am a Ambassador in the Chamber of Commerce. I have served on the Planning and Zoning Commission. I have plenty of community equity. Plainly, I love this town.
I also wanted to ask you to go my facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/DavidforCaldwell?sk=app_190322544333196 ) and check out my platform to create positive changes in Caldwell. If you like what you see, please pass it on.
I hope that you would feel free to call me or send me an email with any questions you may have. I want to be sure I am representing the Citizens of Caldwell properly. Your opinion is important and necessary.
Thanks and I will see you at the Indian Creek Festival! (look for our cardboard kayak).
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