Tracking code caldwell guardian

Monday, October 26, 2009

Swirling Around The Drain

THE GUARDIAN is a full fledged member of the Baby Boomer Generation. Here we are in our 60's, the beginning of our time swirling around the drain of life and the one conclusion I have come to is most Boomers are going to probably outlive their money. No matter how much we saved and planned for this period in our lives Baby Boomers are going to have a rough go to the finish line with respect to financial matters.

401K's are in a state of disarray, the dollar is getting sicker by the day and everything costs more with each passing day. Boomers are entering the fixed income part of their collective lives. Add to this Politicos who have no regard or respect for where tax dollars come nor how to spend them wisely. Their collective waste and spend attitude toward not just older people but everyone in general is particularly irritating in the current down economy.

Hardly a day goes by we don't see another project perpetrated by elected officials of all stripes to further fleece the public of cash. Their "TEAM OF EXPERTS" are all front and center to tell us how good this new widget will be for all of us. The latest in boondoggles have to be the Boise Trolley Folly that won't go anywhere for a mere $50 million, the Nampa Urban Renewal Library and Police Station projects at $68 Million and finally Caldwell wanting to support an Oregon based community college project in downtown Caldwell at around $10 Million. The TVCC project in downtown will be land locked with no ability to expand the day it is built.

All of this stuff with no vote of the people!

I remember my Economics classes from college and the limits to growth are land, labor, capital (taxes for the Politicos) and natural resources. We're not just getting used, we're getting abused by our elected officials in this valley with no end in sight. Election day is next Tuesday, November 3, 2009. Let's try and make this a day our elected officials will remember. The Beast is out of control and we need to put it back in the cage with our votes.

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