Tracking code caldwell guardian

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

$500k Block Grant For More Light Fixtures And Cosmetics for Downtown Corpse

 Caldwell is a city with lots of things to offer but is lacking in POLITICAL WILL to capitalize on what we have to offer.  Case in point would be the announcement in the IPT today about a $500K block grant.  To our knowledge there has been zero citizen input in how best to spend this money.  Instead, we have another proclamation from the city administrators. Our elected and appointed officials have decided to put this money into cosmetic improvements downtown.  No consideration has been given to putting that money into updating code deficiencies requirements that would make it attractive for new businesses to purchase, rent or locate in Downtown Caldwell.  

Caldwell is and remains a city without a vision or a plan.  We don't need to scab more pancake makeup onto the corpse of our downtown, investments in existing buildings that will make them economically attractive is what is needed.  Urban renewal should have and could have used their property tax money to  purchased junk buildings with no redemption and cleared them for new development and "renewal".  Other investments by urban renewal into buildings that are architecturally  sound but need to be brought up to code didn't happen either.  What we do have is a nice new building for TVCC that adds no value to the investment prospects of downtown for anyone with risk capital willing to invest in our community.  We are and remain a city without vision, leadership and a plan. We remain a city with one of the highest levy rates in the State of Idaho.  City officials will take the 3% tax increase allowed by law and shove it onto property owners already struggling to make ends meet.

It is time for citizens of Caldwell to give all this some thought and decide if we want more of the same or should we consider replacing three members of our city council this fall?  New people with new ideas can't be any worse than the status quo.

Nampa appears to already have a group of activists who are organizing to replace members of the Nampa City Council this next election and their mayor the next election cycle.

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