Tracking code caldwell guardian

Saturday, October 29, 2011

One More Opportunity for Candidates To Say What They Didn't Get To Say At Forums

We want to give candidates running for city council in Caldwell and Nampa what may be a last opportunity to say something to voters prior to the election.  Sort of a "I wish I had said this or that at the candidate forums but I didn't think of it or I got timed out by the moderator.  I will be moderating the comments to keep everything above the belt.  No low blows allowed.

THE GUARDIAN blog does not endorse candidates but does encourage candidates and voters to become informed as we move to election day.  Also, comments are encouraged moving forward to election day.  Candidates can send me their stuff to my email address along with their phone numbers so I can verify the content is from a candidate.  I will leave your phone number off the blog.

It is amazing to me so many people are fighting in the Arab world to get the right to participate in the election process and here voter turnout will be abysmal.  Most of us have no impact with our vote at the federal level but it really does count at the local level. Just a few votes will separate winners and losers in this off year election.

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A public discourse on the issues of the day makes the world a better place.

We welcome comments but they will be moderated and edited if too long or do not have anything to do with the post.
Agree or disagree just do it without profanity or it won't get posted. Try to keep your comments to no more than 300 words. Too long and I will try to edit it down or simply delete the comment. The whole idea is to get people to read your comment. Don't use 10 words when one will do the job.

It's OK to have a difference of opinion but keep it civil. I have used the "delete" feature on myself at times.

The ANONYMOUS feature for comments seems to be the most user friendly. People have commented they have difficulty with the other methods of posting comments.