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Thursday, March 22, 2012

County Commishes to Host Growth Plan Meeting

The following is a press release. I hope you will take the time to attend one of these meetings in your local area.  It is all about how your tax dollars are going to get spent moving forward in Canyon County for big ticket projects.

Commissioners To Host Town Hall Meetings Near You
Canyon County Commissioners have scheduled a series of town hall meetings to present and discuss their proposed strategic plan. The proposal was developed after input and research by Carter Goble Lee, an architecture and planning firm based in South Carolina. The strategic plan outlines several phases for dealing with future growth and county needs – including a new juvenile detention center, a new administrative office building, a new adult jail, and future parking areas. “This series of town hall meetings gives the public a firsthand look at possible solutions proposed by planning experts to County growth issues that the elected officials face,” said Commissioner Steve Rule.

The goal of the proposed plan is help ease jail crowding issues, develop more courtroom space, and also make it easier for Canyon County residents to access the services they need. The proposal also centers on keeping county services at the current Caldwell campus, which Commissioners’ believe is essential to gaining the public’s support. “We know that we must provide space for the increasing inmate population and have attempted various plans over the past four years,” said Commissioner David Ferdinand.  “With the new input from Carter Goble Lee, we believe we can utilize property near the courthouse to solve the space needs of the county and resolve the jail needs over the next few years.”

Scheduled Town Hall Meetings

March 26th at 5:00 p.m. -  Nampa City Council Chambers

March 27th at 5:00 p.m. -  Caldwell Police Station

April 2nd at 5:00 p.m. -  Wilder Ambulance Station

April 3rd at 5:00 p.m. -  Melba Senior Center 


  1. I attended the meeting in Nampa today alot of what was said I've heard before. The best suggestion put forward was to start a magistrates night court. It seems to me it would be better to use the facilities we have more hours of the day rather than building more to use them 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Seems like a workable solution to the space problem. This could be applied to many goverment offices.

  2. Night Court....what a swell idea! It would help people with court appearances with their work schedules, babysitters, and a host of other issues.

  3. I can't help but wonder if the Commissioners, won't have to get some high priced consultant, to do a high dollar study to tell them that this is a good idea, or if they can simply take a common sense suggestion from a citizen and implement it.

  4. You guys are about ten years late on those ideas. The employees of Canyon County already suggested them. You can imagine the response of our commissioners. Employees are stupid, what do they know right? Many employees no longer care or even want to try anymore after being put down or ridiculed. They just come to work, do the job and collect the check. Standing out and speaking up just brings punishment. Better to stay silent these days.


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