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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Spend the Money and Spin The Justification, City Employees Get 58 Hrs. Paid Time Off

One of the alleged hallmarks of the Nancolas administration in Caldwell is supposed to be "TRANSPARENCY"  we noted the following on the consent calendar for last nights city council meeting:

“4. Approve Resolution authorizing the granting up to 58 hours of paid time off for full time regular municipal employees, part time regular municipal employees, full time police department employees, and appointed officials and set an effective date of July 6, 2011.”

I fired off an email to city finance director Eljay Waite asking what this is all about.  Mr. Waite told me to file a public records request with the city clerk Debbie Geyer and then if I had any questions to then refer them to city human resources director Monica Jones.  

I also copied two city council people on this and have received nothing from them regarding my question about what the deal is with 58 hours of time away from the job at taxpayer expense.

  It seemed like a pretty simple and straight forward question that would have some kind of reasonable answer. I filed my public records request this morning and am waiting to get a copy of the resolution via email.  Stay tuned for more when I get my stuff from the city clerk.


  1. Nana colas really needs to go! He could take Waite and the city counsel with him, they wouldn't be missed!
    Keep up the good work Paul.

  2. Politicians are alot like cockroaches when someone turns the lights on they scuttle away and hide.

  3. Wow, seven personal days, must be nice, hope Nampa doesn't get the same idea. Of course with all these empty buildings, for sale signs, and for rent or lease signs, 22% unemployment rates, and what not, it looks like the local government is the only entity that's working, if you call it that. I think people are finding out the real truth of things around here and they are leaving this area.

  4. How can Mayor Nancolas get away with this give-away of taxpayer dollars when the city budget is supposed to be bare bones? Here's an idea... give all city employees a 58 hour furlough with no pay. If they can do without them for 58 hours with pay they can do the same with no pay and save some money for taxpayers in this tight economy.


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