Tracking code caldwell guardian

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Team Garret Wants Your Opinion After 12 Years In Office

Team Garret has deciede after 12 years in office they would like your opinion and the following survery is floating around the internet.

"Good afternoon everyone!

I am on the subcommittee for the Downtown Revitalization Master Framework Plan. All the subcommittee members have been tasked with soliciting ideas and feedback from our peers regarding the revitalization of Downtown Caldwell. If, when you have a few minutes, you could possibly please respond to the following questions and email me your answers I would be most appreciative. Your responses will remain anonymous to the subcommittee as I will not pass on any names.

1. Do we need an event center downtown?

2. Should we have an event company partner with the city to bring events in year round?

3. Do we strive to leverage the Snake River Valley wine opportunities and gather complimentary ideas to foster this business greatly downtown?

4. Please list any ideas you might have on how to improve the 10th Avenue access and perception from the horizon view on the overpass overlooking the downtown core?

5. What are your thoughts on purchasing the old Southwest District Health building, demolishing it and building an outdoor year-round market place?

6. Most important – what are the types of eating, drinking, event, retail establishments that you want in downtown? In other words, what types of places need to be in the downtown for you to spend time in the downtown? Please be as specific as possible.

Answering any or all of these will be most helpful to the subcommittee in coming up with recommendations for a master framework plan.

I thank you in advance for any help you can give me on this. And again, I will keep all responses anonymous. OH, also please feel free to forward and/or print out this email to anyone you know and have them respond to me as well. The more responses the better!"

The above survery did not go out under the Mayor's Signature.

Team Garret is apparently feeling the pressure of the upcomming election as well as the record of nothing happening in downtown for the past 12 years except a five block addition to the city park system and a lot of ticked off property owners in downtown.

This survey is the best they can offer after 12 years of mismanaged opportunity.

We would have hoped a plan would have been determined for downtown by now.

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