Tracking code caldwell guardian

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Caldwell Urban Renewal Majority Owner of Caldwell YMCA

The Caldwell YMCA project may have been well intended, but it may be facing some legal funding obstacles.

While conducting record searches on the operation of the Urban Renewal agency, the GUARDIAN observed an emerging pattern that shows funds intended for URA capital projects are being used for operation of the private YMCA as well as underwriting programs for the multi-billion Simplot Company. Even private memberships to the Y are being funded by URA for Caldwell City officials.

What will happen to Caldwell YMCA when Urban Renewal ceases to send over a million dollars a year to the YMCA courtesy of property taxpayers?

The Guardian has watched the Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency pour more than $10.2 million into the local YMCA from Caldwell property taxes collected by Caldwell Urban Renewal. Each year Caldwell Urban Renewal Agency gives another million dollars to the YMCA along with other urban renewal funding for such things as a Wellness Programs to the tune of an additional $75k per year. Sixteen thousand from urban renewal also went to Simplot Companies for their Wellness programs.

What happens to the YMCA when Urban Renewal can’t give them any more money? This kind of money can't be made up by passing the hat and well intended fundraising in the community. (The answer may be in what Mayor Nancolas had to say below.)

The Guardian had separate face to face meetings with Mayor Nancolas and City Finance Director/Urban Renewal Chairman Eljay Waite about the YMCA funding by Urban Renewal. The Mayor’s response was if the YMCA defaults in any way the deed to the YMCA will come directly to the City of Caldwell. Mr. Waite did not give a clear answer to the question. Could the YMCA soon become the Idaho Center of Caldwell?

Another question was put to Mr. Waite: Why did Urban Renewal purchase a family membership for Mayor Nancolas to the tune of $880.00. This year Caldwell Urban Renewal paid for ½ memberships for three Urban Renewal Board members. The answer from Mr. Waite was "we need someone to keep an eye out on our investment at the YMCA".

The Guardian read through all of the Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency minutes and came across a reference to a MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING between the City, Urban Renewal and the YMCA. Turns out the Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency is a FRACTIONAL OWNER of the YMCA to the extent of Urban Renewal property taxes put up for the YMCA. The numerator is the extent of Urban Renewal Ownership against the total money spent the Denominator or total money spent on the YMCA.

This is a very good example of the abuses of Urban Renewal. A group of five people deterimined it to be OK to spend over $10 million of Caldwell property taxes with no vote of the people.


  1. How come no one has brought up the embezzlement of $47 thousand dollars from the car license bureau and the firing of the gal in charge that got off with the money

  2. How would you like to be a private owner of a fitness gym competing with the YMCA to stay in business. You would find your self paying city taxes to fund membership for your competitor. It should be illegal for government to compete with private enterprises that pay taxes.

  3. "How come no one has brought up the embezzlement of $47 thousand dollars from the car license bureau and the firing of the gal in charge that got off with the money" - what's that all about?

    Anyway, I was wondering what a Wellness Program was?

  4. Editor note to embezzlement comment: THE GUARDIAN did followup on your comment and your tip led to the posting above and in turn the "legacy media" dediced to get involved.

    Your comment will clean up a hole in the state transportation computer system, an informed public that has every right to be outraged.

    I made a few calls to contacts about the embezzlement and they verified the act but the amount will be closer to the $300,000 mark before all is said and done.

    Thank you for the tip via your comment..



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