Tracking code caldwell guardian

Monday, July 5, 2010

Correction City Council, Sunday Liquor Sales

We noted in the official civic agenda, Sunday liquor by the drink sales issue will be discussed by Caldwell City Council at their regular city council meeting starting at:

 7:00 PM Tuesday, July 6th, 2010.

It will be part of the NEW BUSINESS agenda Tuesday evening.( Caldwell City Council Agenda 7-6-2010)

See "H2O Nancolas" story below in another post for details.


  1. If there is a vote and every city councilor is present, I predict a 6-0 vote in favor. I'd be surprised if that isn't the case.

  2. Yippee !

    The sleazy bars downtown will survive the economic downturn while other businesses fold and leave the dowbntown area!

    Woohoo! More drunks urinating in the alley! That will really help caldwells revitalization efforts im sure.

  3. Bad move city council! 4-2 in favor.

  4. It only makes sense to make this move. The make-up of the city council is funny though. I respect Sobba's vote against the change. I bet Oates would vote to legalize the sale of marijuana on election day.

  5. Yeah, Blacker's jokes are "funny" too.

  6. passing this 2010 says it all...time for change ..


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