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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mayor Nancolas Defends "Y" Memberships for Urban Renewal Board Members

Mayor Nancolas had the following to say about Urban Renewal property taxes paying for YMCA memberships for CEURA board members. (Perhaps Mayor Nancolas should also seek a legal opinion on his family membership paid for by CEURA.)

Mayor Nancolas advised the board that concern had been voiced by a citizen regarding CEURA’s contribution for board member membership to the YMCA. Mayor Nancolas stated for the record that CEURA’s payments to the YMCA are appropriate under the terms of the agreement with the YMCA and a legal opinion has been issued that directly supports these expenditures. As part of the original agreement to the Caldwell YMCA, CEURA has a stewardship and oversight responsibility with the “Y” and takes that duty seriously."

The above is a direct quote from the May 6th CEURA board minutes. Add to this the payments made with urban renewal tax dollars in the amount of $11,330.00 to subsidize YMCA memberships for "Business Partners" and "Government Partners" Wellness programs. The payments made for dates from 3-31 to 5-1-2009.

CEURA has about a $12 million ownership position in the Caldwell YMCA. If the "Y" closes up shop ownership will default to the City of Caldwell. Along with the default ownership will be the burden to taxpayers to keep the doors open when and if the city takes ownership.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to have a Family membership at the Y, but I cannot afford it. The Mayor, on the other hand, can pay for it himself, and he should buck up and pay for his own membership.


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