The following was taken from the City of Caldwell website. Mayor Nancolas would have us believe funding TVCC is a FREEBIE! Property taxes fund Urban Renewal.
This is a direct quote from the Mayors message to the community....
"In this economy, especially, there is a large need for opportunities for young adults and adults to educate themselves or further their training and job skills. That is why the City has been working for the last few years to expand the ability of Treasure Valley Community College to serve the western Treasure Valley through a new, centralized Caldwell location downtown. TVCC has been an incredible addition to this community and we believe increased services – without an increase in property taxes -would benefit everyone.
The Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency is also trying to strenghten their already positive relationship with the educational community by inviting a board member from each area school district to sit as a permanent voting member on the CEURA Board.
I believe education is the best investment you can make into a community and I am working with City Council, appointed officials and community leaders to do everything we can to ensure that all of our citizens have an opportunity to succeed both in the classroom and out of it. If I can ever be of assistance to you and your family, or if you have suggestions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I thank you for your support our great city and will make myself available if you have questions, concerns or suggestions on how we can do a better job here at City Hall. I can be reached at 455-3011."
Why can't TVCC work with local developers to acquire a new home? They like the 1Millon dollar carrot offered by city of Caldwell/urban renewal. TVCC sends 1 Millon + of revenue back to their parent in Oregon every year. Why do we need to support a new location for them with our tax dollars, when they have the ability to stand on their own?