THE GUARDIAN was alerted about folks over 60 years of age and the need to get a SHINGLES VACCINE.
If you had chicken pox as a child you very well have shingles in your future as you get older. Your immune system will get run down and the Herpes Chicken Pox virus is still lurking in your system waiting to come roaring back. That's the bad news. The good news is there is a vaccine available. If you make the effort to get one you reduce your chances of this dreaded old age malady.
Shots are available at the South West District Health Department for $189.00. Sounds like a lot of money for a simple shot. Take a good look at the chap in this photo and think again. Shingles has made itself appear in just about 100% of the elderly folks I know by the time they reach their late 70's or 80's. The shot is no good if you have shingles right now. You must get it before they erupt.
The number at the SWHD is 208-455-5345 to make your appointment. The shot is not 100% effective but it does stack the odds in your favor. The poor guy in this photo is probably and extreme case but everyone I know has testified to the painful nature of SHINGLES. The vaccine is for people 60 years of age or older.
I got my vaccine today and it is painless. And last, you don't get to pick where the virus will erupt on your body. I can think of other areas probably more painful than the one pictured.
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