Judge Linda Copple-Trout has given the Citizen Lawsuit against Canyon County Commishes the green light. She denied the Commishes request for a dismissal and the Citizens request for an injunction and summary judgement in this case.
The move by Judge Trout clears the way for citizens to assert their Idaho Constitutional rights against elected county officials incurring long term debt, liability or obligation without a vote of the people.
In a hearing held on September 25th the Judge was trying to determine the point at which the Canyon County Commishes will have created a "point of no return" and will have committed Canyon County taxpayers to a long term debt situation that would be in violation of Article VIII sec. 3 of the Idaho Constitution.
It has also been learned lawyers for the Idaho Association of Counties and Cities in Idaho are flummoxed by citizens all over the state pursuing legal actions against elected officials on the issue of non-voter approved long term debt.
Additionally, Bond Counselors all over the State of Idaho will not issue "unqualified opinions" clearing the way for cities and counties to issue Revenue Bonds without voter approvals. Association of Cities and Counties lawyers will be authoring a constitutional amendment for the legislative session this year to kill the super majority requirement of the Idaho Constitution. Stay tuned for more....
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