It looks like Team Tom and the boys and girls of the Nampa Urban Renewal District have found a new ploy to keep voters out of the loop on a new $27 Million public safety building. Not willing to wait for a "reasoned decision" by Third District Court Judge Trout, they have become keenly aware of Bonner County and Rexburg and citizen intitiated court battles with abuse of urban renewal laws.
Now they want to move forward with a leasing scheme to avoid any voter apporval. If it is a year to year lease with no equity/ownership in the property or buildings and they can walk away with no ownership rights, they can legally do this with your tax dollars. Nampa citizens should be outraged over this move to exclude voters on this deal.
This is another ploy to circumvent voter constitutional rights on the capital budgeting process in Nampa. It is quite simply, abuse of all property tax payers in Canyon County . Team Tom and his band of blind followers want to spend $68 Million before interest and bonding costs when all is said and done. A new library to the tune of $40 Millon is next on their agenda. The good people of Nampa are getting no say in any of these projects. It appears there is no end to what they are willing to do to avoid a proper bond election by the people of Nampa. Whatever happened to "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" and consitituional requirements to fund these projects?
Likewise, Caldwell and all the happy smiling people on city council, the mayor and urban renewal board members are about to hitch their wagon to a $30 Million public private partnership in their quest for a new city hall.
Again, there will be meetings with lots of pretty pictures and flowery hyperbole about how good a new city hall will be for our fair city. You citizens can keep your distance and please don't ask about voting a bond election for this project.
The Caldwell Politcos have couched this in terms of a 'CATALYST PROJECT" for downtown Caldwell. Fact is it will do nothing to create a single new permanent job in Caldwell or any new economic activity in downtown. The City of Caldwell's share of this project will be around $10 Million by the time they take occupancy. Again, no vote of the people on any of this stuff. "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" is once again trampled upon by the elected and appointed Politicos of Caldwell.
Caldwell will take in $18 Million in property taxes this year with $6 Million right off the top going to the Caldwell East Urban Renewal Board and $12 million going into the general fund. Caldwell Urban Renewal receives a $6 Million annual slush fund that a handful of people decide on how it gets spent. No voter involvement in the capital budgeting process for either city. Voters have virtually no say in how urban renewal monies get spent.
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