Update from Mayor Nancolas
Thank you for visiting "The Mayor's Page", a section of the City of Caldwell's website. I hope you find it helpful and full of fun, important information. Please view it regularly for updates on what's happening in Caldwell, including recent and upcoming events and issues from my office and city council. Feel free to contact me for more information at (208) 455-3011.
Generally this section of the website is dedicated to a mix of news, information and fun facts about our great city. Every so often, though, you will find that I decide to focus on one single issue of importance. There has been a lot of discussion lately - on blogs and around town - about the 1991 R/UDAT Study and Caldwell's adoption of those recommendations. If you are interested in a recent review of our implementation of the Study's suggestions, please click HERE. You will find that, despite recent reports, we have actually acted on, in some fashion or another, nearly every one of the recommendations. Some of the suggested actions are simply outdated an no action warranted as the R/UDAT Study was released nearly two decades ago.
You can go to the City of Caldwell website for links to the list of accomplishments noted in the Mayor's comments.
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