Tracking code caldwell guardian

Monday, October 23, 2017

Terry Reilly on Pennywise Site in Caldwell

It has been reported to The Guardian a brand new three story Terry Reilly Health Services Clinic will be built on the old Pennywise Drug Store property.  The property is located on the corner of Kimball and Cleveland Blvd. 

If you are wondering what it will look like there is a new Terry Reilly Clinic in Nampa on 1st South near the Nampa Burger King.  This is probably a good example of what will be built in Caldwell.

1 comment:

  1. What I have noticed in Nampa here is that all of the businesses in the small strip mall in between the Terry Reilly Health Services Clinic and second street are now sitting empty. Their businesses have been removed from the sign on the front. I cannot imagine that Terry Reilly had that much of a negative impact on its neighbor's. I am thinking sine the building was placed in a bad location they suddenly realized they need extra parking as well as room for growth.


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