Tracking code caldwell guardian

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Caldwell Guardian Running for Mayor of Caldwell

If you have not heard by now I am officially in the race for the position of Mayor of Caldwell.  In fairness to my opponent, Mayor Nancolas, I will be taking a hiatus when it comes to local government blog posts. 

 If you are not registered to vote, please consider doing so.  It is a quick process and can be done at the County Elections Office at the corner of 11th and Chicago in Caldwell. 

Unseating an incumbent is an uphill battle and it will take a lot of effort on my part and all the help I can get from supporters.  I expect a very low turnout for this election.  You can vote early, absentee or in person at your local polling place will have a lot of impact on who wins or loses this election.


  1. A noble gesture, to be sure, Paul. But I can’t help but think that while you step aside, the mayor will continue to use his incumbency to indirectly self promote his campaign.

    Unless the Mayor agrees to stay off the Main Stage at Indian Creek and refuse the mic at chamber meetings, not blogging is going to set you at a disadvantage.
    I think the wiser course of action would be to step up the blogging and promote it in conjunction with your campaign efforts. The only caveat would be that henceforth any blogging be pure in fact and nature and stay completely clear of any efforts by yourself and reader comments that mud sling personal opinions towards Garret.

    That’s just my two cents.

  2. Good luck paul,if I lived in caldwell I would work & vote for you!

    1. Thanks for the offer, see the response below for my contact info.


  3. Good luck and thanks for stepping up Paul. Please let us know how to help with contibutions.

    1. Hi Russell,
      Here is the info for campaign contributions:

      Paul Alldredge for Mayor
      3107 Arlington Avenue
      Caldwell, Idaho 83605

      phone 208-459-9482

  4. Good morning Paul

    I have to agree that Mr. Nancolas will take every advantage he can.I remember a football coach of mine who was a retired 60s era marine DI who had 2 philosophies. One was if your not playing to win your wasting my time and my personal favorite was anyone who is involved in a fair fight is stupid.It must have worked because we went 3 1/2 years undefeated. Good luck

  5. Glad to see that your running Mr Alldredge. You will do Caldwell some good. A lot of us folks over here in Nampa are sure getting tired of those people in City Hall urinating all over us and telling us that it is only raining.

  6. The Mayors of both Caldwell and Nampa have become so confident and complacent in their jobs an apt description is they have become "furniture" in their respective communities. Time for a change and some new furnishings.

    1. They all go to church to do their praying on Sunday. On the weekday they prey on the hardworking middle class people of their communities. Quite a clan aren't they.

  7. I'm really glad to see that somebody has once again stepped up to challenge the stranglehold that the Nancolas Administration has kept on Caldwell over a decade. I can't think of anybody better suited to challenge the incumbency than yourself Paul. I have fond memories of the effort put in by all of us challengers during the last election. I'm sure that you can take that to the ultimate fruition and liberate Caldwell so that it may finally realize its potential. Goodluck!

    1. Hi Helmut, Good to hear from you. Please do fill me in on where you are these days. My email is

  8. I'm very proud to say I too am fighting the uphill battle as I an running against Seat #3 in City Council. I believe the voters deserve a choice and they do not get a choice if all incumbents run unopposed. I'm a write in so when you go to the polls remember you do have a choice.

    1. Hi Jerry, It is unfortunate that you missed the date to get your nomination packet into the City Clerk's office so you could be on the ballot. We voted early and had to remember how to spell your last name and who you are running against. We got it right as you are running against Rob Hopper.

  9. Good luck, Mr. Alldredge! Where do we get yard signs to support your campaign? I have noticed a few of yours around town, but have seen the BIG HUGE ones for Garrett...give me a stack of yours and I'll spread them around! Please let me know where we can get them.

    1. You can get them here at the house, 3107 Arlington Ave. but call first, I am in the book and reluctant to put my phone number up on the blog for issues of spam calls. I am running low on signs but have plenty of literature.
      Mr. Nancolas deservers a vacation after nearly a quarter century in Caldwell elected office, 8 yrs on the city council and 16 yrs. as Mayor.

    2. There is to much political offices for life ordeals going on around here in our local communities. That leads to a culture of corruption. A lot of these good ole boys (and gals) need to be retired. Like one candidate pointed out at the Nampa forum the other night, the only good jobs are the city and county jobs, and the only nice buildings are the local government buildings.
      The middle class and the workers around here are going broke, while the hogs at the trough are getting fatter and fatter.


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