THE GUARDIAN read the Sunday edition of the IPT and agrees with the Our View Opinion piece and will repeat some of the issues for your review.
The word on the street in Caldwell is that there will be an active city election this year, with at least one candidate lining up for a mayoral race against longtime incumbent Garret Nancolas and others considering running for council positions.
Whether you're a fan or foe of Nancolas — or Tom Dale in Nampa an active, involved municipal election is a good thing. It helps communities examine alternatives and explore solutions, and gives voters both choices and a chance to serve an active role in determining the city's direction.
It's also critical incumbents like Nancolas not use their office resources to run a campaign for another term.
Critical issues in the election specific to Caldwell include:
1. Downtown revitalization
2. The Urban Renewal Agency
3. Treasure Valley Community College, where should it be located?
4. Does Caldwell need a new city hall?
You can read the entire article in the Sunday IPT.
THE GURADIAN would like to commend the IPT for their wisdom and willingness to be an active participant in this round of city elections. The incumbents will be called to explain and defend their records as well as their lack of defined plans as our highly paid public servants. Their opponents will get the opportunity to openly challenge the incumbents and bring new ideas to the fore.
Hats off to the IPT and their commitment to cover this election cycle. This will be an excellent opportunity for lots of public questions, public forums, and communications on the actions or lack of actions on the part of our incumbents seeking another term in office. And it will be an opportunity for challengers to bring new ideas and options up for public consideration.
Let's hope the voters will be paying attention this time around as well.
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