THE GUARDIAN learned today the Canyon County Assessor and his crew have had a change of heart on the initial commercial property assessments that reflected anywhere from 150% to 400% over what they were last year. Adjustments are now being made by Assessor staff to reflect current market values before they go to appeals before the County Commissioners. (You have to make a formal appeal to get the adjustment)
Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency land purchases created a nightmare for Caldwell business and commercial property owners via the excessive prices and just plain obscene relocation allowances they paid for property they bought. The political backlash has been severe for Team Garret and the Urban Renewal big spenders.
Mayor Nancolas has been burning up the phone lines trying to mend fences with all of the people caught in the irresponsible valuations created by his administration and urban renewal. Is there a Spin Doctor in the house who can help unwind this mess?
The current situation is now to the point there will be a candidate running against every incumbent from Mayor to all three City Councilors up for reelection this Fall.
Mayor Nancolas has a long list of negatives to overcome between now and the election. His rubber stamp city council members up for reelection have the same issues to overcome. Mayor Nancolas has had twelve long years in office to effect change and economic progress to Caldwell. We remain today a city without a plan.
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