THE GUARDIAN could not help but notice the whine list of special projects on the front page of the IPT today.
Here is a thought. The MPC building is in the midst of rearranging the deck chairs on that sinking business as they head into chapter 7 bankruptcy. The huge building and the site it occupies is a ready made jail for Sheriff Smith and the County Deciders.
The next life for this huge building could be a new Canyon County Jail. All the utilities, heating and cooing are already there on a nice large piece of property close to the freeway. The building could probably be bought for pennies on the dollar unless it is privately held. In any event, the owners do not have any immediate prospects for tenants and a ready made jail is just sitting there.
It will be interesting to see if the County Deciders can figure this one out and get it sold to the taxpayers. (Or not)
The Commishes and Top County Copper probably won't think much about this solution to their jail needs. It won't cost $45million to make this solution work and they didn't think of it first. Add to that they are already in the hole millions for plans, and engineering services for the Hwy 20/26 debacle that is still in litigation.
I am still waiting for the cost figures it will take to run two jails. The county is six million short on operating money according to the local news less paper. So where does the money come from to run this second jail??? Will the Sheriff and commissioners please explain how this is done.