Tracking code caldwell guardian

Friday, January 9, 2009

County Has Wire Taps on Phones

THE GUARDIAN recently learned about employees of the Canyon Sheriff's Department getting terminated for saying things that offended Chief Deputy Gary Duelen.

Their county phones were wire tapped. Apparently, vocalizing opinions about their fearless leaders meant more than the quality and quantity of work output and attention to the details of the job. Big Brother got heavy handed in this instance and dismissed a lot of institutional knowledge, expensive training and tenure with the department. The knife went quick and deep in this instace...Et Tu Brutus!

Some years back, the county put out a notice of "no expectation of privacy in the workplace". This means they can legally tap phones, computers and even bug offices.

All of this is perfectly legal. So if you are a county employee, please be aware of this and keep your words and thoughts soft and tender as they may come back to haunt you.


  1. if only the same rules applied to elected officials who send out inappropriate material from their laptops.

  2. When did tapping phones become legal? If it's good enough for the employees to have their phones tapped then it is good enough for the elected officials. The citizens are their bosses they work for us right! I think we should get to tap their phones. That is only fair.It must be a real joy working for these thugs knowing they are listening on all your phone conversations and spying on you all the time. This has to be the most unprofessional and insecure administration that has ever existed in the court house.

  3. Before we accept this as truth - what is your corroboration to this allegation? Have you ever thought that a disgruntled employee imagines these types of scenarios. Usually with change there is a few employees who are hang ons and they continue to disrupt the work environment. I don't know Chief Deulen and maybe he did this but I am not stupid enough to believe it on its face.


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