The opening salvo from each side was fired off this past Tuesday over the new jail project out on Hwy. 20/26. The County Civil Lawyer Chuck Saari moved for dismissal and the Citizen Group Lawyer Dick Harris rebutted with why it should move forward.
District Judge Linda Copple-Trout cut through all the banter and cut it down to this: The injunction to halt everything is not going to go anywhere with her as the citizens can't demonstrate irrepreable dmamges, the motion for summary judgement and the outright complaint lodge by Mr. Harris will move forward. Mr. Saari was instructed to supply Mr. Harris with all the documents he requested and to pull the information together where a document does not currently exist. This means quit screwing around with what should be provided and get it done promptly. Next, she instructed the two sides to pick some dates in August to get this before the court.
Crux of the issue is once again Article 8 section 3 of the Idaho Constitution and have the Commishes created a long term liability without consent of the voters. Or at the very least should they have sought judicial confirmation before spending and obligating taxpayer monies to this project.
Note: photo is not of the county jail site but of another jail under construction. The project out on 20/26 will be every bit as large when completed if it moves forward. A 2,000 bed facility is the "dream plan". Photo is from Dave Frazier.
Put Ferdinand out to pasture. It's more than the old guy can handle.