THE GUARDIAN has learned via public information County Government is indeed in some serious financial difficulty. Problem is the Commishes and Elected Officials are "wishing" these problems would go away. Reality is things are only getting more serious with each passing day. Nobody wants to face the reality nor the gravity of the situation as they drift close to the "red ink" side of the ledger. The silence and denials are not going to hold up much longer from public scrutiny.
The concerns are several issues:
First, the county tax collections are normally at 60% of expected totals for this point in time for the year. As of today they are at 47% of expected totals. Thirteen percent of a very big number if you are in the tax collection business like the county.
Next, is the issue of fees for services rendered. Down, dead and all but gone in Development Services, building permits, platting fees, recording fees and just about everything related to the real estate bubble that exploded last fall in Canyon County. These fees are not part of the tax collections but are an integral part of the county cash flow to meet cash demands. The total amount is substantial and it won't be there for this next fiscal year as well.
The Commissioners went on a property acquisition binge that has drained reserve funds that were invested by the County Treasurer. Not only is the money gone but the interest and dividends from those funds are gone to the tune of around $1 million dollars of income that the county will not get.
We still have the $3.8 Million dollar hole not filled by the sale of the Jerome Property that has to be made up out of reserves. Golly gee whiz, the Commishes were so sure they were not only going to sell that albatross but actually make a big fat profit when it did close. Property sales agreement signed in January 2008 and still has not closed. These guys do not have a "shoe box" under their mattresses to pull out $3.8 million to make up this shortfall.
The Commishes also have to shell out and settle up with the State Lands Board the $1.2 Million or so they spent on the Job Service Building out behind Larry Miller Ford.
Now let's not forget the budget for fiscal 2008/09. With fees for services down, the Sheriff wanting a big wad of money to keep his "Detroit Iron" rolling down the road with adequate amounts of fuel, increases for health benefits, and a litany of other stuff. The rumor is the county money counters are telling the Commishes and Department Heads they need to adjust downward for about a $9 Million dollar shortfall.
Next year it looks like this...severely reduced fees for services, no substantial new tax base(commercial or residential) to fold into the budget and a 3% cap on the actual amount of property tax increase on existing property and it spells pain and suffering at 1115 Albany Street.
The County Deciders are going to be faced with the stark reality of living withing their fee's and tax collecting means to make their budget projections. This will be interesting as it plays out for public view. Last, there has always been around a 25% carryover of funds from one budget year to the next. The new fiscal year starts on October 1, 2008 and there is virtually no cash flowing into the county treasury from any significant sources until the December property taxes start getting paid off by all of us. This year with the budget mess the Commishes have allowed to happen means they are in big trouble with having an adequate carryover for the beginning of the 2008/2009 fiscal year.