When Canyon County Commish David Ferdinand came through the security lane at the Boise Airport packing heat he didn't get far.
The TSA X-Ray tech tipped the cops and in addition to this electronic ticket and boarding pass the Canyon County "Decider" had a paper ticket... charging him with a misdemeanor. He reportedly made his flight but the loaded revolver is now unloaded in the Boise PD evidence locker.
Ferdinand reportedly told authorities he packs heat everywhere and forgot to leave the weapon out of his carry on bag.
There is a pretty fair chance the cops will have difficulty prosecuting Ferdinand because he is an "elected official". In Idaho that means he can carry a concealed weapon without a permit or any training.
Idaho Code 18-3302 reads, "(12) The requirements to secure a license to carry a concealed weapon under this section shall not apply to the following persons:"
(a) Officials of a county, city, state of Idaho, the United States, peace officers, guards of any jail, court appointed attendants or any officer of any express company on duty.
(e) Any public elected Idaho official
We don't know if Fed-X, UPS, and others qualify as "express companies", but it would be interesting to define an "express officer".
THE GUARDIAN has it on good authority that judges, county commishes, prosecutors, and a bunch of other politicos (elected guys/gals) in this Wild West state are packing heat. They claim it is for "protection", but we think there are a fair number of politicos who are just downright scared of the public.
One caller to THE CALDWELL GUARDIAN made the suggestion that the "gun used to rob Canyon County taxpayers finally got confiscated."
Commish Ferdinand’s true colors are showing through. It is well known at the courthouse that David “pistol packen” Ferdinand carries his pimp gun around with him all the time. This lunatic has always bragged about his gun and why elected officials can carry them.
ReplyDeleteI doubt David forgot about his gun being in his carry on bag. He’s more aware of that gun than he is with how much taxpayer money that he has squandered over his lackluster career as commissioner. I’m sure that he will be taking some lessons from Larry Craig “how to lie your way out of an airport scandal”, David take the bus back, you will need a gun.
BB Hunter
This bankrupt x disc jockey has to go. Now we find out he’s packing heat. Anyone that has worked around the canyon county courthouse has seen him fly off the handle many times, and now we find out he’s packing a pistol. What next, is he trained to use that weapon or will he be the type that shoots and ask questions later. This make his decision to rent the Marilyn Monroe costume on county expense more clear. Marilyn was packing 44’s and Dave Ferdinand is packing a .38. The next time he rents costumes he should look for the “Three Stooges” I think they would be more appropriate and fit all three of them. He and the other commissioners have messed up every major decision that comes up. They all need to go. We can start with Steve Rule this May…
ReplyDeleteIdaho Ranger
What does Larry Craig & David Ferdinand have in common? Give up... They both are packing loaded guns in Airports.
ReplyDeleteFed up Taxpayer
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ReplyDeleteIdaho Ranger..so true on the costumes. We were just wondering if commissioner Ferdilland will want the county to pay his fine. He always wants everyone else to pay for their mistakes. Mr. Ferddilland in his own mind is in the elitist privilege category and superior to we mere mortals.
ReplyDeleteCommissioner Ferdiand seems to think that if he keeps talken that he can make you believe that what he has to say is the truth. Dave Ferdiand prides himself as a debater and public speaker also. He just keeps on talken and saying the same thing over and over again, that you become so tired and your eyes glaze over until you have no energy left to respond. I guess he learned how to double talk when he was a radio DJ. Oh yes and if you do get a word in edge wise, he is probably asleep in his chair. Dave I hear to talken but you can’t come in (to my head).
ReplyDeleteBewildered in so many commissioner hearings…
A friend told me about the “Caldwell Guardian” good reading from top to bottom. I read in the IPT today that Mr. Ferdinand is entertaining us at the Legends event. I think in the movie that the Soggy Bottom Boys spent time in jail. Maybe Mr. Ferdinand can wear a vintage stripped prison uniform. Will he be wearing his six-shooter on his hip or will it be concealed where his head usually is.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work…keep us informed.
Commissioner Ferdiand seems to think that if he keeps talken that he can make you believe that what he has to say is the truth. Dave Ferdiand prides himself as a debater and public speaker also. He just keeps on talken and saying the same thing over and over again, that you become so tired and your eyes glaze over until you have no energy left to respond.
ReplyDeleteHe is the biggest teller of misinformation that most other public officials and private business owners just don’t believe a word he says. I guess he learned how to double talk when he was a radio DJ. Oh yes and if you do get a word in edge wise, he is probably asleep in his chair. Dave I hear to talken but you can’t come in (to my head).
Bewildered in so many commissioner hearings…
You all should be ashamed of yourselves, leave David alone. He is a good man. I have seen him do his thing and he is a master debater. I think that is a good quality, he is a busy man and always coming and going. He just didn’t know where he put his gun.
ReplyDeleteSara L.
Larry Ferdinand and Dave Craig, I can't tell'm apart...Hey you drop that gun, before you hurt somebody...
ReplyDeleteLaw dog
Great now Idaho is known for toe tappers and gun packers. What is next?
ReplyDeleteAhh Dave, you don't know where your gun is,have a donut. Dave Tester won't be eating them soon. Maybe you two Dave's could be buddies at the new jail site. oh it's not built yet how about pitching a tent out there. A two man tent would be nice. That could be the temporary jail! I bet Sheriff Chris would guard you 24/7,oh that's right he is in Hawaii, Alaska, hunting elk, fishing, and doing this and that, sorry your other buddy doesn't have time for you.
ReplyDeleteOh, we all know where his gun is now, the police have it in their evidence locker. oops! This is going to be ver ew ver ew interesting.What will he have to do to get his gun back or will they give it back he better do some fancy talking this time.
ReplyDeleteHe thinks he is a fancy talker. But making a joke of it on a radio program today (how he was part of a security operation) is not going to help his case. What a nut case. Dave why don’t you crack a joke with the judge and see how far that gets you, it might land you in jail. Then you could work on joke routines for about 30 days. It just came to me that he probably thinks he is smarter than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteIn the IPT article Angie Silonis was quoted as saying Sheriff Personnel can carry conceled in the courthouse. As far as I know guns carried in the courthouse are only allowed by Deputies who don't actually carry conceled. I have several friends who work at the courthouse in the Sheriffs office but not as a Deputy they are Sheriffs Personnel but as far as I know they can't carry a gun in the courthouse. Can you please site where Angie was making this referece from?
ReplyDeleteA reader was wondering where the CCW deal stands with elected officials...Idaho Code 18-3302 section (12)(e,f).
ReplyDeleteThe deal on carrying in the courthouse states something to the effect that police officers must be on duty bu the deal on others is not clear from my memory of that policy.
Sorr I can't be of more help with this querry..
In response, I am seeking clarification on whether or not sheriff "personnel" as Angie described to the media can or cannot carry concealed in the courthouse. One of my friends who works there, she already has a conceealed permit and another said she would get one in a hurry if this "law" quoted by Angie Silonis really applies to them, they are not Deputies. My friends are too afraid to ask chief Dulin with all the tension internally right now with the blogs and election talk. You seem to be very knowledgeable in Idaho laws, thanks for any help you may provide.
ReplyDeletenote to anonymous:
ReplyDeletei have shared all i know about county policy on conceal carry in the courhouse for employees. i do know that when i worked there that the female emplyoees carried pepper spray unchallenged in and out of the building.
have the interested parties that want an answer to this check with nancy heck or the county personnel manual.
i do know that the sheriff at one point in time issued a departmental memo that non-post certified personnel, including deputies were not to carry firearms while off duty. easy route around this is to simply get a CCW permit just like any regular citizen. but there are three areas that recall as off limits to CCW permits and they are courthouses, schools and churches.
Commissioner Ferdinand should resign, before he kills somebody. He could murder somebody is two different ways. By reading these blogs, he would either put a bullet in them, or they could be talked to death, wishing that they had a bullet put in them so their suffering would end.
ReplyDeleteWhether this gun incident was an honest mistake or not, one has to wonder about Mr. Ferdinand's statement. He said something to the effect that he "normally carries it with him but just forgot to take it out of the bag for this trip". Hmm. What does a county commissioner do that requires him to carry a gun in the "normal discharge of his daily duties"??