Tracking code caldwell guardian

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bosie Mayor Seeks to Abolish Citizen Rights to Vote

Bieter Seeks To Abolish Citizen’s Right To Vote..

By Davir R. Frazier (Boise Guardian)
Using an appearance before the Chamber of Commerce as a “bully pulpit,” Boise Mayor Dave Bieter urged citizens to approve a proposed constitutional amendment that would serve only to abolish rightscitizens currently enjoy to approve bonds to pay for airport facilities.

We find it ironic the good Mayor seeks to abolish the right of citizens to vote on airport debt using public money, but turned around and begs the legislature to ALLOW a vote of citizens on the issue of a local option sales tax.

BOISE GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier issued the following statement about the proposed amendment which will be on the November ballot.

“Cities throughout Idaho currently have the authority to issue bonds for airport projects using operating revenue to repay those bonds. Mayor Bieter and others seek to abolish the current constitutional right of voters to approve those bonds. The Idaho Supreme Court has clarified those rights in the ‘Frazier Decision,’ and Bieter’s proposed amendment would also result in loss of tax revenues for cities, counties, schools, and the state of Idaho.”

When airports build freight facilities, hangars, rental car parking ramps (or industrial park things) they collect rent to pay the bonds… meanwhile all the other taxing districts lose those revenues because the airport properties are TAX EXEMPT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS! The major change in the proposed amendment is to eliminate the requirement of voter approval for sale of bonds.


  1. I hope Tom Dale doesn't hear about this. We are already going to be paying much higher taxes so that he can build a monument for himself.

  2. Nancolas as well!

    Vote NO in November.

  3. I believe there will be no less than three amendments to the Idaho Constitution in November. My freind Dave Frazier will be writing the "against" stuff for the statewide ballot. A simple majority will change the constitution if I have it right.

    Stay tuned for more on limiting your rights to vote up or down debt instruments you will have to repay via property taxes.

  4. The sad part about the Urban Renewal District in Nampa is our so called civic leaders spent as much money preventing a vote on the library and police station as it would have cost to hold the vote. Sader still the local news media and the citizens don't seem to care. Maybe when they see their tax bills they may wake up.

    Seems to me this valley would be a great place for a newspaper maybe someone will start one someday.

  5. Urban Renewal property taxes should go to "renew" and rebuild dilapidated and run down slum areas. It should not be used to build public buildings of any kind.

    Urban renewal agencies are running amok with no oversight and not doing what the intent and purpose of the law really stands for.


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