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Thursday, May 21, 2009

TVCC Needs $300,000 From Caldwell Urban Renewal Also City Hall Project ?

The Following is taked directly from the May 6th, 2009 Caldwell East Urban Renewal Board meeting:

"Bruce Schultz, TVCC, presented a revised funding request in the amount of $297,158 to address the projected enrollment growth and sustain the enrollment momentum during 2009-2010. Enrollment grew over 38% during the 2008-09 academic year and has accelerated well beyond the current facilities and operations. The request specifically identifies equipment and instruction for the nursing program that is in high demand, off-site classroom lease, and student support costs in the form of a financial aid specialist, computer technician, testing coordinator and education advisor. Commissioner Hopper expressed support for the capital expenditures and lease facilities, but voiced concern with salary dollars. Mayor Nancolas stated that the community has overwhelmingly demonstrated that it wants and supports TVCC and that legal opinion is needed to determine what expenditures are allowable within urban renewal law. Motion to authorize Chairman Waite to review TVCC’s funding request with legal counsel for determination of appropriate expenditures: Hopper/Fouts M/S/P

Doug Oppenheimer presented a request for partnership in the development of a three-story, 32,000 sq ft building in downtown Caldwell to house the Veterans Administration (1st floor) and TVCC (floors 2 &3). By starting with those projects that bring the critical mass to the downtown area (VA, TVCC), the retail and city hall projects will follow more naturally and will have the potential to be built without bonding or entering into long-term indebtedness. The requested partnership with CEURA would consist of assistance with parking, building demolition, site & boundary survey, and site purchase. Mayor Nancolas reminded the commissioners that from the authors of the R/UDAT study completed years ago to the current developers, the message is consistent that downtown redevelopment is absolutely critical to the health and future prosperity of Caldwell and its citizens. Activity breeds activity and a healthy community must invest in human capital. While the costs for improving blight (environmental issues, FEMA issues, land cost, demolition costs) are greater than the costs of building on bare, open ground, the improvement of a blighted downtown is imperative to the health of the community-at-large. Chairman Waite recommended a special workshop to allow the commissioners to study the current requests for funding and the financial options to FEMA. Motion to schedule a workshop within the next ten days to review this requests: Hopper/Rule M/S/P"

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