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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Latest Wisdom For Caldwell Urban Renewal Bucket-O-Cash

The following are Mayor Nancolas comments on how to improve Caldwell Urban Renewal Agaency Board efforts:

"The Caldwell East Urban Renewal Agency is also trying to strenghten their already positive relationship with the educational community by inviting a board member from each area school district to sit as a permanent voting member on the CEURA Board.

I believe education is the best investment you can make into a community and I am working with City Council, appointed officials and community leaders to do everything we can to ensure that all of our citizens have an opportunity to succeed both in the classroom and out of it. If I can ever be of assistance to you and your family, or if you have suggestions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me."

How does the appointment of school board members to the Urban Renewal agency in Caldwell clear blight and create economic development? The Bucket-O-Cash people are not trying to clear blight and create economic opportunity. Nor are they trying to build and tax base with urban renewal tax money they spend.

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