Tracking code caldwell guardian

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Jail Project May be in Violation of Idaho Constitution

THE GUARDIAN learned yesterday that the Commishes may be in violation of Article 8 section 3 of the Idaho Constitution with regard to the financing of the TEMPORARY WAREHOUSE JAIL.

In the budgeting process they failed to budget and pay for the jail project in one budget year. The information received indicates the Commishes budgeted $8 million this year and $4million next year. This is not permitted under the Idaho Consitution. They simply can't go out beyond one budget cycle for projects without a super majority voter approval of the project in question.

A citizens group has already put together a warchest of funding to take the project on in court. This new information will surely strengthen the case against the Commishes. Dick Harris, attorney for the citizens group, will be handling the case for this group of folks who want to put a stop to the jail project which has no voter approval for the millions the Commishes are about to be spend on the project.

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