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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bergdahl Should Be Court Martialed Under UCMJ

THE GUARDIAN IS A VIETNAM era veteran and finds it hard to believe Mr. Bergdahl is anything but a deserter at worst and AWOL at the least.  He should stand for a Court Martial under the Uniform Court of Military Justice, (UCMJ).  Mr. Bergdahl put his unit at risk, six other members of the Army died in the search for him and now we find his return a cause to celebrate? 

What makes this even more disturbing is, Mr. Bergdahl signed in as a volunteer in the Army. He was not drafted like most of those who served in my generation.  He could have used any number of avenues to get out of the Army.  The simple and quick way is to refuse direct orders. He would have been court martialed, given a dishonorable discharge and returned home. 

Anything less than a UCMJ Court Martial for what he did is an affront to everyone of us who served with HONOR. Any celebration of his release and return is disrespectful to everyone who has served in the various branches of the military.


  1. While I have an opinion on Mr. Bergdahl I will reserve judgment until more facts become available. The ones I am most disappointed with right now our so called representatives in the US congress. Once again our illustrious president has thumbed his nose at our laws and constitution. He endorsed and signed into law a requirement that 30 days notice be given to congress before any prisoners could be removed from Guantanamo bay. But of course this was an emergency. Apparently we have a king who answers to no one. Maybe we should close down the house and senate and just operate by presidential decree. Then at least we would save several billion dollars that we are now spending and getting no return.

  2. This young man has some "splaining" to do. AWOL is one thing but desertion is in a whole different level of violations under the UCMJ. I'm thinking he gets reduced to a Recruit/E-1, gets stripped of all back pay and gets a dishonorable discharge with no benefits beyond his discharge date from the Army. I don't care what Mr. Obama or Ms. Rice says, I have my doubts he served with "honor and distinction".


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