THE GUARDIAN and Mrs. GUARDIAN sent the following note to our District 10 Legislators:
We are writing to let you know that both Karen and I are supporters of IPTV and take issue with the assault on Idaho Public TV this year, as well as the Governor's proposed phase out of funding to this wonderful asset.
Public TV is first of all a "service" in our view and is not in competition with commercial TV. Most of the programming on public TV would never make it on commercially supported TV. It exposes its viewers to things they would never see unless offered on public television. We are happy to send our annual membership to IPTV and think they deserve a modicum of support from our state tax dollars as well. Our kids, as well as ourselves, got and continue to get a true world view, national vies thanks to the programs offered on IPTV.
There are many things on public TV that create demand for goods and services locally when you think about programs like "THIS OLD HOUSE" and programs that spark people to try and do things here in Idaho they would perhaps not tried but for public TV programs. On a personal level we have taken trips around Idaho as tourists based on programs about our state we viewed on IPTV.
We also get an informed electorate from IPTV we would never get from commercial TV programing. We therefore call IPTV a taxpayer service and worthy of taxpayer funding as we move forward in legislative efforts to balance the Idaho budget this year.
Paul and Karen Alldredge
Caldwell, Idaho
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