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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rep. Robert Schaefer on Urban Renewal Law

The following is taken from a legislative update from Rep. Robert Schaefer from Nampa:

"I have been critical of urban renewal districts for some time, so it should come as no surprise that I am supporting legislation to bring more accountability to those agencies.

The bill calls for oversight by the State Tax Commission and establishes certain guidelines for raising revenues. These changes are long overdue.

Regardless of intentions, the bottom line with urban renewal is money...specifically property tax dollars. That money is the only property tax revenue in Idaho that is spent by an unelected board not directly accountable to the public.

While the intent of the law is to promote economic development and fight blight, the current law opens the door to questionable practices and overt abuse.

There is room for a new law that promotes transparency withing bodies that can spend money freely and without input from the public."

Representative Schaefer is a long time Conservative Nampa Legislator and we hope this bill gains traction in this legislative session. Urban renewal abuse has become endemic in this valley.

Rep. Schaefer is keeping one eye on the horizon and one on the bottom line for all of us who are paying the bills.

1 comment:

  1. Just like Gbad tells us it wants to build a new convention center that won’t “cost the taxpayers a dime”. What they and their ilk purposely fail to mention is that when faced with their bonds going sour they turn to their parent municipalities to bail them out. As has happened in many cities, including SLC I believe.

    Financial institutions and institutional investors see right through the absolute B.S. that is “Quasi Governmental” and will flush a municipalities credit rating down the commode in half a heartbeat if they allow one of their fiefdoms like the CCDC or Gbad reneg on their obligations.

    In about 950 Days we have the opportunity to bring about REAL change for a better Boise.

    I propose…

    * Stable city management by a professional, accredited City Administrator free of partisan politics

    * Apportionment of the City Council for truer representative government

    * Accreditation of the Boise Police Department and reconstitution of the Office of the Police Ombudsman’s Office into an “Office of the Citizen’s Advocate” for all of City Government. An office found in good government everywhere.

    * Efficiency, transparency and control with absorption of the various components of Boise’s Shadow Government into City Government

    * Inspiring, proactive infrastructure development and healthy, sustainable growth delivered by a City Hall more concerned with actual livability than with livability slogans


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