This site will be my effort at a factual, informative, opinionated site where you can get information on issues of interest regarding Caldwell, Nampa and Canyon County. Please feel free to send me information that you wish to post and I will keep my sources confidential. My email address is paul.alld@gmail.com
Tracking code caldwell guardian
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Mom Apple Pie And A New City Hall for Caldwell

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
More Money For Wall Street Bankers Bonus Programs

Build America Bonds are fattening up the Wall Street Bankers Bonus programs. The Wall Street Journal has run a series of articles this week on the front page as well as the opinion sections about debt in America.
Friday, March 19, 2010

Idaho Sheriff's Association Uses Deceptive Telemarketing, Plan To Drop Firm
Friday, March 19thWe all get the dinner time phone calls from someone representing the coppers asking us to donate to their “fight against drugs.”
The GUARDIAN editor hung up on them a few weeks ago and subsequently got a very official looking bill for a $25 pledge to the Idaho Sheriff’s Association with an address on State Street at one of those private mail drop places. The letter with a huge “IDAHO SHERIFFS’ ASSOCIATION” heading is couched in language aimed at the sympathies of naive citizens.
A brochure with fake “before and after” shots of models purporting to be druggies is included in the package–it reminds us of those old VD pictures we had to view in junior high sex ed classes 50 years ago in Michigan. Also in the pack was a decal for your car that some people construe as a “get out of jail free card” to show coppers they donated to the cause.
A letter uses terms like “war on crime…focus the lives of youth away from drugs and alcohol…drug eradication program…scholarships for law enforcement.” The letter also mentions the Association has, “secured the assistance of Community Safety, LLC.” In plain English that means the Association has loaned its good name to a telemarketing/direct mail scammer that keeps about 80% of the donations.The GUARDIAN contacted Vaughn Killeen, executive director of the Association who confirmed the letter and bill were sponsored by his group. He also said he was working to terminate the relationship and noted “some deceptive practices by the vendor.” He favors a directing marketing campaign for funds.Killeen went on to say the Association makes about $40,000 a year from the marketing program. Based on the discussion with Killeen that means the private marketing outfit takes close to $200,000 in the name of drugs and coppers from Idahoans.We sympathize with the purported goals of the Sheriffs’ Association, but hooking up with deceptive marketing firms only serves to undermine their cause. The Association lobbies on behalf of its members, conducts jail inspections to insure compliance with health and security standards, and serves as a legitimate forum for exchange of ideas and training standards. Hustling citizens for cash is tawdry endeavor they should avoid in our opinion.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Voters Get Chance to Abolish Their Right to Vote!

Voters Get Chance To Abolish Right To Vote
Thanks to the generosity of the Idaho Legislature, voters in November will have a chance to abolish their constitutional right to vote on public debt. Most voters probably won’t be inclined to give up rights they already hold.
Idaho’s constitution currently mandates that all public debt in excess of a single year’s revenues be approved by voters. After GUARDIAN editor David R. Frazier won an Idaho Supreme Court decision in 2006 blocking the City of Boise’s attempt to build an airport parking garage without voter approval, banks throughout the state forced cities to follow the constitution and ask voter assent prior to loaning funds. Few cities wanted voter scrutiny and they have now used public money in efforts to lobby for constitutional amendments.
They chopped up the proposals to cover hospitals, airports, and electric generating facilities owned by cities.
Here is an ASSOCIATED PRESS story by John Miller at the Statesman site that explains the issues.
The proposed amendments required 2/3 approval of both the House and Senate. Now all three will appear on the November ballot statewide
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Nampa Rep. Robert Schaefer on Urban Renewal

Representative Schaefer writes a summary of his activity and views of the legislative session each week. This week a terrible bill may make its way out of committee and may actually get passed. Here are Rep. Schaefer's comments on the legislation:
" Urban renewal: H567 affects many changes in existing law. Since the purview is quite extensive, it begs the question that perhaps we should be inquiring unto the premise behind “tax increment financing,” the improper funding method of urban renewal.
Why in 1965 did the Legislature scheme to “starve” other legitimate taxing entities so a non-taxing entity could be put in place to do things that normally would have required a vote of the taxpayers? If those legitimate taxing entities were receiving too much money from taxpayers, they should have been cut back, and the urban renewal voted on by the people who supply the money.
Now would be an appropriate time to restore propriety to the taxpayers and correct this. Idaho is among the highest-taxed states, and that is because of chicanery such as this, where citizens are taxed without having an opportunity to say yes or no.
A citizen vote on debt is a concept of government more than 100 years old, but denied in Idaho for 45 years and counting. Even the legitimate taxing entities have been relieved of the need to participate in the process because their funding is taken away without due process.
The urban renewal law actually increases taxes on every citizen in the county and disallows them to vote. This was never intended to be part of the American way."
Monday, March 15, 2010
2010 Legislature About to Make UR Boards City Hall Toads

THE GUARDIAN made yet another trek to the Boise Capitol Dome to hear the latest and greatest from the Revenue and Taxation Sub-committee on Urban Renewal Law changes for the 2010 session.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Cycle of Transparency In Government

The Cycle of Transparency
As each element of the Cycle of Transparency moves forward concurrently, bringing about the changes we need to create a more transparent government, we also identify new needs.
At the end of the day, the process that the Cycle of Transparency describes is about creating a government more deserving of our trust, and ultimately, a government that allows its citizens to fully participate and hold government accountable as our Founders intended.
We ran across this graphic at the Sunlight Foundation website and wanted to share it with readers of this blog. The graphic is about the best we have seen on the subject of government transparency to those of us paying the bills. ( Click on the graphic for a larger view. )
Property Taxpayers foot $30K Costs For Urban Renewal Legislation
MARCH 08, 2010 | POSTED BY JAY HOWELL, Idaho freedom foundation
Boise's urban renewal agency used $30,000 of taxpayer funds to write and market legislation to change how urban renewal agencies are governed and operate. The revelation comes after inquiries by the Idaho Freedom Foundation to Boise's Capital City Development Corporation.
House Bill 567, which is being debated in subcommittee along with six other bills related to urban renewal and economic development, was written by lobbyist and attorney Ryan Armbruster for the Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC). The $30,000 CCDC paid is in addition to the annual retainer CCDC pays Armbruster’s firm.
Phil Kushlan, the CCDC executive director, said Armbruster’s firm has been the agency’s general counsel for years. As for how much Armbruster is paid for his services aside from HB 567, Kushlan said he didn’t know right offhand. “We have an annual amount plus on an hourly basis beyond that for specific legal issues.”
Kushlan said the agency vetted the draft legislation through other cities and urban renewal agencies before it was submitted to the House Revenue and Taxation Committee. “We sent it out to people and had them comment, and tried to respond to whatever issues they identified.”
Rep. Ken Roberts, R-Donnelly, is a member of the Smith subcommittee, which is hammering out a final version of all seven bills related to urban renewal agencies and economic development. Roberts said he doesn’t like the idea of urban renewal agencies using tax dollars to lobby on behalf of their own agenda.
“It’s frustrating to me to see taxpayer dollars being used to lobby the legislature to create a path forward that makes it easier for more tax dollars to be spent. There’s a lot of circular reasoning here; these tax dollars come back to lobby themselves basically," Robert said. "Those are taxpayer dollars that could have been spent for, in this case, making improvements to the infrastructure in a blighted area, the way it was originally intended to be used.”
Former Senate Local Government Committee Chairwoman Rachel Gilbert of Boise, who is following the legislation, said, “I think it’s disgusting. My property tax dollars go to pay for their fees to promote urban renewal and expanding the law, and I don’t like it one bit.”
Roberts said the subcommittee is in the final stages of cobbling together pieces of House Bills 567, 568, 569,570, 571, 572, and 578 into one final piece of legislation to be presented to the full House Revenue and Taxation committee.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Canyon Commishes Letter to DEQ Re: Emissions Testing

We are posting the Canyon County Commissioners letter to Idaho DEQ Director, Toni Hardesty.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Urban Renewal Legislation Doesn't Pass Muster
Critics of Urban Renewal in Idaho have left their collective mark with the members of the House Revenue and Taxation Committee, sub committee. Nearly a week of testimony and review of proposals for changes to the draft legislation submitted by UR agency representatives and lawyers, the laws as submitted will more than likely be up for a complete rewrite of HB 567. This bill and other UR legislation was fraught with all manner of efforts to remove voter oversight of these agencies.
Critics cite a lack of public oversight of how UR agencies use property tax revenue. Testimony, emails and contacts made to legislators about how UR agencies operate by critics made their mark with the committee.
Proponents don't want any ability of voters to undermine the UR agencies ability to spend our money as they see fit for economic development and improving blighted areas. The first blush of this legislation was drafted by what we like to call the fox in the hen house and would have limited any voter oversight of big dollar projects in their communities. The draft legislation would have virtually eliminated any future need for bond elections or voter oversight of these agencies.
Lawmakers will now draft a new bill for consideration. More on this as it becomes available.
Xpress-Flex Fraud Alert to Educators
We are posting this memo sent to Nampa School District employees as a public service to alert others who may do business with Xpress Flex. No word on the scope of the damage, but certainly not good news to folks who thought they were making a wise financial decision. There will no doubt be more on this in days to come.
“From: Westfall, Allison
Subject: Problems with Xpress Flex – Please read ASAP
You are receiving this email because you participate in the flexible spending plan for medical and/or child care expenses.
We discovered late last week that Xpress Flex, the company that manages our medical and child care flexible spending accounts, appears to be no longer in business and is under investigation. In addition, some of you reported that reimbursement checks issued by Xpress Flex last week “bounced.”
Several Treasure Valley employers including the Boise School District and the College of Idaho also use Xpress Flex. The Idaho Attorney General’s Office and the State Department of Insurance have been contacted.
Fortunately, we learned of this news in time to immediately take action and “stop payment” of February’s payment to Xpress Flex. No future transfers will be made to Xpress Flex. We will be working with authorities to determine how to recover the money already sent to Xpress Flex.
In the meantime, do not submit reimbursements to Xpress Flex. We hope to identify a new plan manager quickly.
Flexible spending plans follow strict Internal Revenue Service laws that require we continue the deductions authorized by the employee.
We recognize this situation impacts each of you differently. Please feel free to contact Jane Barker at jbarker@nsd131.org or ext. 1054 or Steve Kipp at skipp@nsd131.org or ext. 1042.”
UPDATE NOON TUESDAY: We contacted Boise School benefit office and they said they were “aware there are problems and we are working toward a resolution.” They had not notified their employees of the situation
UPDATE 3p.m. TUESDAY: Boise Schools administration sent a memo to employees confirming the company has gone out of business. IRS and Idaho Attorney General are involved and we are told there may be “hundreds of employers” affected by the demise of Xpress Flex.
Dear Employee,
You are receiving this e-mail because you are a participant in the District’s Section 125
medical flex plan, and/or the dependent care reimbursement plan.
Late Friday afternoon, it was brought to the District’s attention that our Flexible
Spending Account (FSA) administrator, XpressFlex, was no longer processing
reimbursement requests and that some reimbursement checks did not clear the bank.
Today March 2, 2010, we officially received an e-mail verifying XpressFlex is no longer
in business.
We want you to know that we are working with another company to assume the
administration of our plan as soon as possible, so that your claims will continue to be
processed. We will be contracting with Flex-Plan Services, (Bellingham, Washington) to
continue the administration of our former plan with XpressFlex. Flex Plan Services is a
reputable agency and has been in the business for over 20 years. Flex-Plan Services is
working with the District to gather the data in order to take over our plan. In the
meantime, we ask you do not submit reimbursement requests to XpressFlex.
We will send you an e-mail once the plan is established and Flex-Plan Services is ready
for transactions. You will also receive a welcome letter and additional information from
Flex-Plan Services in the near future.
Please understand that IRS regulations do not allow employees to discontinue
participation in our Section 125 flex plan for the remainder of the plan year – short of
experiencing a qualifying family status change. We do not yet have answers to questions
about the status of year-to-date contributions, how much flex money is available for the
remainder of the plan year, or if plan members will lose money they have already
contributed. We are working diligently to answer these questions. We continue to be in
contact with XpressFlex, the State Attorney General, legal counsel, and other Treasure
Valley employers who are in the same position as the Boise School District.
We will share with you relevant information as it becomes available.
If you have questions, you may e-mail benefits@boiseschools.org