Tracking code caldwell guardian

Monday, September 19, 2011

Jerry Kilbourne Running for Caldwell City Council

Mr. Kilbourne is running for seat 5 in the Caldwell City Council election.

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”- Benjamin Franklin-
First of all, I am not a politician.  I do not consider City Council a stepping stone for bigger and better things.  I don’t have a wealth of political knowledge from which to dip my ladle and stand here and tell you, “here is where I stand and this is what I am going to do.”  What I bring to the table is superb communication and mediation skills and a willingness to listen to both sides in order to make a rational judgment. I have no high profile friends which may cloud my judgment yet I, being a long time Caldwell resident, am sensitive to the growth needed to help Caldwell prosper.  I have always been of the school that all government needs fresh ideas from one of the masses; the masses which I belong. 
I am a 17 year resident of Caldwell Idaho and reside with my wife and son.  My wife and I moved to Idaho in November 1994 where I picked up a job with a local agricultural company which I worked until the season ended in late January 1995. I found work with various companies until settling with a High Tech company in 2000.  With the unfortunate turn in the economy I found myself laid off in 2009.  I did not see my lay off as a bad situation; instead I saw it as a new opportunity.  In June 2009 I seized this new opportunity and went back to get my degree in Business Administration.  With degree in hand, I went back to work.
In my free time I enjoy Camping in beautiful Idaho, seeing sites around town, riding my motorcycle and Family time.  I also help out as a Math and Writing tutor and am a member of Toastmasters.

Quick facts:
Name Jerry Kilbourne
Born: January 1966
Residence:  Caldwell Idaho Since 1994
Marital status: Married
Education: College of Western Idaho 2010 -   Business Administration
Favorite quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”


  1. Not sure if you listing off your lack of experience right off the bat will help or hinder your campaign, but I will say that I at least find your honesty refreshing. Looking forward to seeing you debate.

  2. Thanks Neal. You are right that the jury is still out in regards to my experience. I thought about it for a long time and, after much thought I decided to just lay it out there right off the bat.

  3. I think Caldwell needs a person like you in the City Council. I am so fed up with "politician" types promising on thing and once elected delivering something else. Up front I can tell you are one of us. This could be great for Caldwell.


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