Tracking code caldwell guardian

Sunday, September 21, 2008

$30,000 Worth of Tables Purloined From Jail Site

It has been reported to THE GUARDIAN that $30,000.00 worth of steel tables have been stolen from the new jail construction site on Highway 20/26. The tables were designed and built to go in the living units of the new jail. Solid steel and powder coated from reports supplied to me,the steel tables were stored in a vacant building on the property.

The County Deciders and the Sheriff have a APB out on the tables but apparently have not filed a police report on the theft of county property. All the Politicos are keeping mum on this deal hoping against hope they will turn up before this story gets out to the public.

It is just one more example of getting out ahead of voter approvals on this jail project. The tables in question were built with maintenance department help and stored in a vacant building at the new jail site. This much steel in one location that was unattended proved to be an easy target for the thieves. It is assumed that they were stolen and cut up for scrap. All $30,000.00 worth is now probably on its way to make new steel consumer goodies for those of us who have any money left to spend after this past week on Wall Street.

It will be interesting to see if the local media pick up on this fiasco and make the effort to put some Elected Deciders up for public comment on this blunder. $30K of our tax dollars and probably additional serious money for the labor and materials to fabricate these tables is now a bad memory that nobody at 1115 Albany wants to talk about.

Editor note: Sheriff Smith clarified at a recent meeting the tables were stolen and the value is correct but they were in prefab form and not yet completed. They have a suspect and are building a case against this individual.

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